
criminal action 刑事訴訟 (=criminal suit)。

criminal assault

The article choose the system of criminal witnesses as the object of study , employs the way of comparative research relates analysis of judicial practice , contruse profoundedly conception of witnesses origin and employment of criminal witness , at last based on how to resolve the one pnoblems relating to the system of witnesses in criminal action of our country , puts forward corresponding countermeasures and thoughts 本文選擇刑事證人制度作為研究對象,運用比較研究的方法,結合對司法實踐的分析,對刑事證人的概念、刑事證人證言的產生和運用進行了深入的闡述,最后立足于如何解決我國刑事訴訟中與證人制度有關的一大問題提出相應的對策與思考。

By taking into consideration the corresponding relations between subject , goal and behavior , studies of the legitimacy of form of criminal action in essence concern the macro framework of national criminal justice and the setting of the goal of action , just like what a compass is to a as the perpetual human target for actionable value , judicial justice consists of a procedural structure characterized by centralism judgment and neutral purpose of action 以主體? ?目的? ?行為的對應性為切入點的刑事訴訟方式正當性研究,在根本上涉及到國家刑事司法的宏觀構架及訴訟目的的確定,這正如航行者對指南針的依賴。司法公正,作為人類永恒的訴訟價值追求,內含了一個審判中心主義的程序構造和中庸化的訴訟目的。

The article also holds that making use of other ' s actions means not only unitizing actions of the user and the person used , but aslo means the user ' s controlling on the person used and the whole criminal actions . baded on above point , the article then discusses all kinds of indirect perpetrator 筆者認為間接正犯是正犯之一種,其特征在于利用他人的行為: < 1 > “利用”是行為人之誘致行為與被利用人行為之一體; < 2 > “利用”也是利用者對被利用者行為進而對整個犯罪之控制。

The crimes of international terrorism has been one of the most serious danger to the world today , it is regarded as “ political pestilence “ . it refers to the criminal actions involving foreign factors , committed by individuals , organized groups or states by intimidating or coercing methods to affect the masses “ emotions , countries “ or governments “ foreign policies to obtain political purpose 國際恐怖主義犯罪是當今世界的一大公害,被喻為“政治瘟疫” ,此類犯罪是指為了實現某種政治目的,由個人、集團或國家通過暴力、脅迫等手段制造恐懼以影響公眾情緒,以求影響國家、政府內外政策的具有涉外因素的犯罪行為。

The amendment of criminal procedural law of prc in march 1996 manifests significant improvement and breakthrough in safeguarding procedural rights of suspects and defendants , advancing the civility of criminal action and maintaining judicial justice , which has received much appreciation from the international community 1996年3月中國刑事訴訟法的修改在保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的訴訟權利,推進訴訟文明,維護司法公正等方面有著明顯的進步及突破,因而受到國際社會的積極評價。

On this basis , they should be able to draw a clear distinction between legal and illegal actions or criminal and non - criminal acts and become fully aware of the danger and legal consequences of criminal actions , so that they may admit their guilt , obey the laws and voluntarily accept reform 在此基礎上使他們分清合法與違法行為的界限、犯罪行為與非犯罪行為的界限,充分認識犯罪行為的危害性和法律責任,從而認罪服法,自覺接受改造。

Criminal responsibilities of juvenile refers to those criminal punishments of juveniles due to their criminal actions , or responsibilities of simple negative legal evaluation forced to undertake by state judicial organ , and stipulated by criminal laws 未成年人犯罪的刑事責任是指刑事法律規定的,因未成年人實施犯罪行為而產生的,由國家司法機關強制犯罪的未成年人承受的刑事懲罰或者單純否定性法律評價的負擔。

Originally from u . s . a . , plea bargaining is penal suit system . as a method in dealing with criminal actions , it plays a very important function , and is gradually being recognized worldwide , and has become judicial practice in the world scope 辯訴交易是發端于美國的一項刑事訴訟制度,其作為處理刑事案件的手段,在刑事訴訟中發揮著重要的作用,并且逐漸得到世界各國的普遍認可,成為世界范圍內的司法實踐。

The objective of criminal procedure is the goal that a state hopes to attain by practicing the criminal procedure ; it is a state ' s preconceived ideal model concerning the result of a criminal action ; the way of its expression is in the form ideological form 所謂刑事訴訟目的,是指以觀念的形式表達的國家進行刑事訴訟所期望達到的目標,是預先設計的關于刑事訴訟結果的理想模式。

The article was first of all make definite illegally , illegal action and criminal action definition , moreover point out that illegal action of the original unit the adjusting analysis layes particular stress on being illegal quality at the respect of such criminal 文章首先明確了不法、不法行為和犯罪行為的定義,并指出本文對單位不法行為的分析偏重于其刑事方面的違法性。

So , we must make sure we know the fact of the case clearly . evidence is the central of criminal action because it is the base of verifying the fact . therefore , system of evidence becomes the core of this central 而司法人員對案件的認識都是通過證據來實現的,證據是查明案件事實的依據,可以說證據是刑事訴訟的核心,而規范證據運用的證據規則就成了刑事訴訟核心的核心。

The concept of criminal proof responsibility in china . this part is mainly about the concept of burden of criminal proof in chinese criminal action . firstly , the author concludes the attitudes about criminal proof responsibility 目前在我國,證明責任尤其是刑事證明責任的概念在法學界一直沒有統一的定論,刑事證明責任的分配問題更是學者們爭論的焦點。

With the appearance of the new type nonnative personnel crimes , their criminal phychology , criminal motive and criminal action have the strengthened tendency , the vicious strength of the result also increases 隨著近年來新一代外來人員犯罪的出現,其犯罪心理、犯罪動機以及犯罪行為都有強化的趨勢,造成后果的惡性強度也有所增加。

The ending pattern of intentional crime means that the different terminate patterns which came into being due to the influence of various subjective and objective elements in the course of the criminal action was been carrying out 故意犯罪終了形態,是指故意犯罪在實施過程中受各種主客觀因素影響所形成的不同的結束形態。

From the development of the operating patterns of form of criminal action , the specific regularity of criminal justice may be found , and the legitimacy of contemporary criminal action may be ascertained 從刑事訴訟方式運作模式的發展變化基本上可以看出刑事司法特定的規律性,并能對當代刑事訴訟的正當性給予基本的肯定。

At the same time , because of psychological and physiological characteristics of female , the consequences that similar criminal actions against female leads to are always larger than those to male 僅有的對女性被害問題的研究也只是零星地散見于一些社會學的論文中,不僅不成體系,而且沒有納入到犯罪學或者法學體系之中。

In criminal action , as criminal evidence , which is used comprehensively and economically , oral confession plays an important role in the aspects of investigating , solving a case and proving facts of crimes 在刑事訴訟中,口供作為使用最廣、較經濟的刑事證據,在偵查破案、證明犯罪事實方面具有非常重要的作用。

The proposed offences of secession and subversion will both involve levying war , the use or threat of force , or criminal action which falls within the definition of “ serious unlawful means “ 建議的分裂國家罪和顛覆罪,兩者都涉及發動戰爭、使用武力或威嚇使用武力,或作出屬于“嚴重非法手段“定義內的刑事犯罪行為。

The system consists of the norm of invoking authority , the norm of civil servant ' s behavior and the responsibility system of the civil servant ' s illegal and criminal action with authority 其中,權力運行規范制約公職人員行使權力這一環節,公職人員行為規范則還制約公職人員的其他影響權力正當運行的行為和事項。